(1) Q – What warning sign must be placed on the road when a heavy vehicle is stationery on a   road at night?

A – If the speed limit on the section of the road is over 70km per hour, a red reflective triangular sign must be placed behind such vehicle at a distance of between 30m and 50m.

(2) Q – At what distance should you follow the vehicle in front of you?

A – A gap equal to at least the length of my vehicle should be allowed in respect of each 15km per hour at which my vehicle is travelling. I will increase the gap in bad light and on wet or dusty roads.

(3) Q – When filling a motor vehicle with petrol what precautions must you take?

A – Switch off the engine, see that there is no naked flame near the vehicle and that no one is smoking in the proximity.

(4) Q – When should be a horn be used?

A – When it is necessary for the safety or convenience of the public only.

(5) Q   – Except in the case of a motor cycle or motor cycle and side-car, what are the requirements with regard to the driver’s position in a motor vehicle and that of his passengers?

A-     The driver must sit in such a position that he has full control of the vehicle and has a full view of the road and traffic ahead and abreast on either side. He must not permit a person to sit beside him in such a manner as to obstruct his view or hinder him from controlling the vehicle. No person is allowed to sit between the driver’s seat and the side of the vehicle nearest the driver’s seat.

(6)  Q – In the case of motor cycle and side-car, what are the regulations with regard to the carriage of passengers?

A – (1)  On a solo motor cycle only one passenger may be carried on a proper pillion seat and foot-rests must be provided.

(2)  On a combination no passenger shall sit anywhere except in the side-car or on the proper pillion seat.


(7) Q     What must you do if you leave a motor vehicle unattended on the road or in a parking place?

A.   (1)     Switch off the engine.

(2)     Put on the hand or parking brake.

(8)  Q.      – What must you do with your motor vehicle should it break down in such a way that it cannot continue to travel under its own power?

A        – Move it to such a position that it will not obstruct other traffic.

(9) Q. – What action will you take when signaled to by a person in charge of any animal being led, driven or ridden or drawing a vehicle on any road?

A – (1)    If the animal or animal-drawn vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction, stop at a sufficient distance to avoid danger.

(2) If overtaking the animal or animal-drawn vehicle, slow down first. If the road is on a hillside, and if required to do so by the person in charge of the animal or animal-drawn vehicle, take the side of the road farthest away from the face of the hill.

(10) Q     – When stopping a vehicle on a road except in traffic, where will you stop?

A        – On the extreme left of the road or in an authorized parking place.

(11) Q  – When approaching a road intersection in an Urban area to what traffic must you give right way?

A – (1)  If there is no stop or give way sign at the intersection, I will give way to traffic approaching from a road on my right.

(2) If there is a stop sign, I will wait until the road is clear.

(3) If there is a give way sign, I will wait until the road is clear.

(12) Q        – On what portion of the road will you drive when meeting other traffic or approaching a corner?

A        – On the left or near side of the road.

(13) Q) – On which side must you overtake:-

(1)        Another vehicle?

(2)        Animals that are being led?

A )  – (1)       On its right or offside; but where traffic lanes are marked, traffic may be overtaken on the left or near side.

-(2)          Pass or overtake animals which are being led on whichever side is safer.

(14) Q.   What position on the road must you take when there is another vehicle which wishes to overtake you?

A.   As close to the left or near side as possible, except where traffic lanes are marked and I am being overtaken on the left or near side.

(15) Q.     When is it forbidden to overtake other traffic?

A     (1)      When the road ahead is occupied by approaching traffic which is too near to allow adequate time to return to the left hand side of the road.

(2)       When rounding a corner, at a road intersection or where the road passes over the brow of a hill.

(3)        Where there is continuous line more than nine metres long.

(16) Q.       When is it forbidden to overtake other traffic?

A           (1)    When the road ahead is occupied by approaching traffic which is too near to allow adequate time to return to the left hand side of the road.

(2)       When rounding a corner, at a road intersection or where the road passes over the brow of a hill.

(3)        Where there is continuous line more than nine metres long.

(17) Q.            – When driving on a stripped road what portion of the road may you use:-

(1)        When being passed or overtaken by another vehicle?

(2)   When overtaking another vehicle?

A.       (1)      The left hand strip and that portion of the road       to the left of it.

(2)       The right hand strip and that portion of the road to the right of it.

(18) Q     – When turning from one road into another to the left, on what portion of the road must you drive?

A        – The extreme left of the road.

(19) Q     – When turning from one road into another to the right, what route must you follow?

A         – Along the right hand side of the left half of the road and round the centre point of the intersection or along the indicated route.

(20)    Q – When approaching a Robot Traffic Signal what position will you take up on the road if you intend-

(1)        To turn to the right?

(2)        To continue straight on?

(3)        To turn to the left?

A.          – Where there are three traffic lanes and no road markings to indicate otherwise, I shall take:-

(1) The right hand lane when I want to turn to the right.

(2) The centre lane when I want to go straight ahead.

(3) The left hand lane when I want to turn to the left.

(21) Where there are only two traffic lanes and no road markings to indicate otherwise, I shall take:-

(1)   The right hand lane when I want to turn to the right.

(2)   The left hand lane when I want to turn to the left or straight ahead.


Q     – What do the following road markings running parallel to the road indicate:

(1)   An unbroken white line?

(2)   An unbroken white line with a broken white line on its left hand side?

(3)   An unbroken white line with a broken white line on its right hand side?

(4)   A double unbroken white line?

(5)   A broken yellow line along the left hand side?

A (1)   That my vehicle may not be driven so as to cross or straddle the white line.

(2)       That my vehicle may cross both line if it is safe to do so.

(3)       That my vehicle may not be driven so as to cross or straddle either line.

(4)       That no vehicle may be driven on the right hand side of these lines.

(5)        No motor vehicle shall cross or straddle such a line except to overtake traffic which is turning to the right or to stop.

(22) Q.            – How far from a corner are you forbidden to stop your vehicle?

A.        – Within a distance of 7.5 meters unless in a traffic hold-up or for the purpose of parking in a parking place.

(23)  Q.           – When do you have to obey the direction given by arrows painted on the road surface?

A.      – When they are placed at a road intersection or junction in combination with longitudinal prohibition lines.


(24)  Q – At what speed must you approach a cross-road, curve, corner, bridge, sharp turn, or steep descent?

A   – At safe speed.

(25) Q – What must you do before you alter direction, slow down, or stop?

A        – Signal my intention before acting and see that road is clear before altering direction.


(26) Q     – Describe or demonstrate what signal you must give when:-

(1)        You are going to slow down?

(2)        You are going to stop?

(3)        You are going to turn to the right?

(4)        You wish the vehicle behind to overtake you?

(5)        You wish to turn to the left?

(6)        You are going to pull off the road to the left and the stop?


A       – (1)     Extend the right arm with the palm of the hand down and move the arm slowly up and down keeping the wrist loose.

(2) Hold the arm vertically from the elbow with the palm of the hand towards the front.

(3)   Extend the right arm with the palm of the hand turned to the front and hold them rigid in a horizontal position straight out from the offside of the vehicle.

(4)   Extend the right arm and hand below the level of the shoulder and move them backwards and forwards.

(5)   Extend the right arm and rotate it from the shoulder in an anti-clockwise direction.

(6)   Give the “Turning Left” sign as shown in (5) above (in order to show succeeding vehicles that you are leaving the road) and then give the “I am going to stop” sign as you are drawing to a halt off the road.


(27)  Q            – When approaching a policeman or other person regulating traffic, what signal must you give when:-

(1)        You are going straight ahead?

(2)        You are going to turn to the left?

(3)        You are going to turn to the right?

A        – (1)     Raise the hand toward your shoulder and move the forearm well forward and then back in a vertical plane.

(2)        Point the hand to the left.

(3)        The same signal as when “I am going to turn to the right”


(28) Q            – What must you do on the approach of a vehicle used by the police, a fire brigade or an ambulance when the warning device of the vehicle is being sounded?

A        – Pull out of the way, stop and remain stationery until the vehicle has passed.


(29) Q     – What lights must be displayed at night on a:-

(1)        Motor vehicle other than a cycle?

(2)        Trailer

(3)        Motor cycle?

A            – (1)     A motor vehicle must have headlights at the front. If the headlights do not indicate the approximate width of the vehicle, side lights must be fitted. The headlights must be fitted with a dip switch and must be focused as to avoid dazzle. Two red tail lamps must be fitted. The rear registration plate must be lit by a white light which does not shine directly to the rear.

(2)        A trailer or the last trailer, when more than one is being drawn, or towed vehicle must have red tail lamps similar to a motor vehicle, and the registration plate must be illuminated in the same way.

(3)        A motor cycle must have not more than two headlights at the front and they must be fitted with a dip switch and must be so focused as to avoid dazzle. One red tail lamp must be fitted in line with the rear wheel and the rear registration plate must be illuminated as for other motor vehicles.

(30) Q            – In the case of your being involved in an accident when driving a motor      vehicle, what action must you take?

(1)   Stop.

(2)   If a person is involved find out if the person has to been injured or killed.

(3)   If the person is alive

(4)   If the person is dead protect the corpse

(5)   If required to do so by a person having reasonable grounds for asking, give my name and address and the name and address of the owner of the vehicle and the registration number of the vehicle or report the accident to the police.


(31) Q     – What are the maximum speed limits applicable on wide tar roads, other types of roads and roads in urban areas?

A     – The maximum limits are:-

Wide tar roads          Other roads (kph)           (kph)

(1)   Construction vehicles and trailers    .   .   .     .   .   .    .    .      40            40

(2)   Vehicles drawing more than one trailer trailer     .    .     .    40            40

(3)   Heavy vehicle   .    .    .     .     .    .    .      .     .    .     .    .    .     .    80           60

(4)   Vehicles other than heavy vehicle drawing a two-wheel Trailer    .    .    .    .     .     .    .    .      .     .    .     .    .    .     .   .   .    100             80

(5)   Tractor, other than tractor forming part of an articulated

Vehicle whether drawing a trailer or not            .     .    .    .           40               40

(6)   Heavy vehicle whether drawing a trailer or not       .    .       80              60

(7)   Vehicle not described above in paragraphs 1 to 6 drawing

an independent light trailer  .     .    .    .     .     .    .    .    .     .      .  40                 40

(8)   Light motor vehicle            .    .    .     .     .    .    .      .     .   .     80                  60

The general limit in urban areas is 60 km/h

(32) Q     -What must you do when meeting a motor vehicle displaying an “L” plate?

A     – Exercise extreme caution.

(33) Q     -If your Judgment is impaired by the use of drugs or alcohol, what must you do?

A         – Stay off the road.

(34) Q     -What documentation is required before a motor vehicle may be used on the road?

A         – (1)     The use of the vehicle must be covered by insurance issued by an approved insurance company.

(2)      The vehicle must be registered and licensed.

(3)   The driver must hold a driver’s license for the appropriate class of motor vehicle.

(35) Q     -What conditions apply to the use of a motor vehicle by the holder of learner’s license?

A         – (1)     Except in the case of a motor cycle or other vehicle which only has a seat for the driver, the learner must be under the direct supervision of a fully licensed driver.

(2)      “L” plate must be registered and licensed

(3)      No passengers may be carried on a motor cycle which is driven by the holder of a learners license.

(4)        No passenger may be carried for hire or reward in the case of a public service vehicle.

(36) Q     -What is the sequence of lights shown by a Robot?

A         – (1)     Red, green, amber. The amber may be shown alone as a fixed or constantly flashing light.

(2)      Green, amber, red

(3)      Amber, red, green

(37) Q     -What are the directions given by the following lights of a Robot?

(1)     Red?

(2)      Green?

(3)      Amber – when used in a light sequence?

(4)      Amber – fixed or flashing when not used in a light sequence?

(5)      Green arrow in conjunction with the red light?

(6)      Green arrow in conjunction with the green light?

A         – (1)     No vehicle facing the signal shall cross the stop line.

(2)   All vehicles facing the signal shall, subject to due precaution being taken, proceed straight ahead or to the left or to the right.

(3)   Provided that the movement is not contrary to any specific sign falling within Class B.

(4)   No vehicle facing the signal shall cross the stop line unless, when the amber light first appears after the green light, or green arrow, as the case may be, the vehicle is so close to the stop line that a stop cannot safely be made behind such stop line, in which case the vehicle shall proceed subject to due precaution being taken.

(5)   All vehicles proceeding across the stop line shall do so with caution and an intersection or junction shall give precedence to traffic approaching on the road on the right hand side.

(6)   All vehicles facing the signal may proceed in the direction indicated by the arrow but must give precedence to all other traffic within the intersection or junction.

(7)   Vehicles facing the signal shall, subject to due precaution being taken, proceed straight ahead or in the direction indicated by the arrow.

(38) Q         -What are your responsibilities towards pedestrians when turning to the left or right at a Robot controlled intersection?

A         – I must give special consideration to any pedestrian on any pedestrian crossing over which I intend to pass, after entering the intersection, and shall stop my vehicle if necessary.

(39) Q         -What is the purpose of a flashing light used in conjunction with a traffic sign?

A         – To emphasize the existence of a danger warning or regulatory traffic sign.

(40) Q     -Under what circumstances are you prohibited from entering a robot controlled intersection when the green arrow is shown?

A   – When travelling in straight ahead lane and the position or movement of other vehicles is such that it is unlikely that I will be able to travel through the intersection without having to stop.

41 Q         -For Safety Reasons what are you expected to do?

A     -Adjust your speed to suit the weather, light road, traffic conditions and your ability to control the vehicle.

42 Q        -Animal drawn vehicles must not

A     -Be driven on a circle track

43 Q   Animals must not

A      -Be permitted to graze on any road with a bituminous surface of six meters or more in width.

44 Q  -Animal drawn vehicle must always have

A    -Reins and a leader

45 Q   -Animal drawn vehicle should have

A       -Two white retro- reflectors on the front and two at the back.

46 Q     -Cyclist if you are wearing trousers what do you do

A      -Use cycle-chips to prevent them from catching on protecting parts of the machine.

47 Q    -Do you wear helmet if you are a cyclist?

A     -Yes

48 Q   – When are you expected to remove your hand when cycling?

A   -When signaling or changing gear.

49 Q -Pedal cyclist must not carry load or passengers of how many kgs

A.40 kg

50 Q    -Cyclist of under 16 years of age must not

A     -Carry passengers

51 Q   -Cyclist must carry

A     -Loads of 60cm front, 90cm rear and 30 cm side.

52 Q -Cyclists are required to display

A   -Red reflective material on the rear mudguard and red tail light is strongly recommended.

53 Q   -Motor cyclist and their passengers

A     -Must always wear protective helmets.

54 Q    -A motor cyclist must ensure that

A    -Motorcycle is fitted with not more than 2 headlamps and at least one tail lamp.

55 54 Q  -Motorcyclist make sure

A. You have effective silencers and avoid causing destruction or offense by noise acceleration.

56 Q      – Motorcycle with engine capacity of 350 cubic centimeters or more must

A    – Be fitted with crash bars

57 Q   – Driver must ensure that

A. Your passengers are wearing seat belts where available.

58 Q –  A leaner driver is exempted from driving with a qualified driver only

A – On vehicles with only a seat for the driver

59 Q – Lane changing drill is

A-Mirror- blind spot-signal-maneuver

60 Q – On a road with two lanes

A      -Keep to the left and move to the right only when over taking or turning right

61 60 Q – At a 4 way or 3 way stop controlled junction

A – Stop until every vehicle that has stopped before you has cleared the junction.

62 Q   –  The intersection defensive technique is

A    –  Know, slow, show and go

63 Q – Why should you approach every intersection with extreme caution?

A   – Because there is no right of way.

64 Q   – When do we signal left in a traffic circle


A    –   Just after you pass the exit before the one you want to turn.

65 Q –    For safety reasons the driver should


A    – Reduce speed to suit conditions of weather light, traffic vehicle, road and your ability to control the vehicle.

66 Q –  What should a driver avoid


A     –    Reverse as much as possible.

67 Q –  Towing regulations


A – You must not tow a vehicle with a net-mass exceeding the net mass of the towing vehicle and distance within the vehicle must not exceed 4 meters.

68 Q –  You must not push vehicle with


A  – Another vehicle

69 Q –   Why should we keep clear at night


A – A single headlight might be a cycle but it can also be motor vehicle.


A2- Vehicle might be pulling a trailer so keep well clear until the whole trailer has passed.

70 70 Q -Why should we not carry too many passengers?


A    -To avoid cramping to the driver and over- loading the vehicle.

71 71 Q – Safety belts are exempted to


A     – Holders of valid medical exemption certificates or when the vehicle is not fitted with safety belts.

72 Q -Haulage trucks must not pass or park in


A   – CBD

73 Q  -Heavy vehicles must not be parked

A    -On the verge of the road or residential areas.

74 Q -Red reflective triangles should be fitted which side of the breakdown vehicle

A   – 30-50 meters rear and front

75 Q -Heavy vehicles must be fitted with higher markers

A   – Both front and rear

76 Q – Abnormal loads are not allowed on the roads between

A   -6pm- 6am

77 Q –   Abnormal loads must always have

A   -Labelled abnormal load in red, red flags on all the corner: must be under escort flashing amber beacons and it`s headlamps must always be on.

78 Q -Never overtake an abnormal load vehicle unless

A – The rear escort vehicle signal that you should or the road ahead is clear.

79 Q -Heavy vehicles must be fitted with higher markers

A – Both front and rear

80 Q – How should we treat escort vehicles?

A – Always obey their instructions.

81 Q –  What should you do when you see an escort vehicle on a blind side or sharp curve

A – Slow down and prepare to pull off the road to avoid surprise collision.

82 Q – What do you do when you see fire engine, ambulance or police vehicle sounding its special warning device?

A – Move out of its way and remain stationary until it has passed.

83 Q – When doing First aid on the road do

A – Warm and comfort the casualties and give them assurance.

84 Q – Things not to do on the road when doing first aid

A – Move the casualties, remove motor cyclist helmets and give them anything to drink or eat.

85 Q –  What’s DRABC in first aid

A – Danger, response, airway, breaking and compression.

86 Q – Where do we find minimum speed sign

A – Command signs

87 Q -Where do we find speed limit signs

A –  Prohibition sign

88 Q – What is the purpose of a flashing yellow light

A – To emphasize the existence of a danger warning sign/ signal or on its own to warn road users to exercise caution.

89 Q – What’s the meaning of a parking kerb/pavement with yellow markings?

A – Parking or stopping prohibition or restriction often associated with presence of offloading zones, fire hydrants, bus stops as decided by the authority concerned.